Can AI Crack the Medical Coding Puzzle? Exploring the Promises and Pitfalls

Jacob Mathew
2 min readApr 29, 2024


A recent study published in NEJM AI journal, “Large Language Models Are Poor Medical Coders — Benchmarking of Medical Code Querying,” took a closer look at how well advanced language models like GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Gemini Pro, and Llama2–70b Chat perform at medical coding tasks.

Key Findings:

Performance Rundown:
GPT-4 emerged as the top performer in terms of accurately matching medical codes, but even this cutting-edge model couldn’t crack a 50% success rate.

Stumbling Blocks:
All the language models struggled significantly, often generating incorrect or imprecise codes. This is a crucial finding, as it highlights the potential risks of deploying these models in healthcare settings without further improvements.

Silver Lining:
Despite their shortcomings, the models demonstrated an ability to grasp context and sometimes provide conceptually similar codes, suggesting a foundational strength that could be built upon with targeted enhancements.

Why It Matters:
Medical coding is the backbone of healthcare administration, impacting everything from billing to tracking health trends. Accurate medical coding is crucial for various stakeholders, including healthcare providers, payers (insurers), and patients. Automating this process with high precision could lead to significant cost savings and increased efficiencies for all parties by reducing coding errors that result in incorrect reimbursements, denied claims, or improper healthcare data tracking and analysis. However, the current limitations outlined in this study show that we still have a long road ahead before AI can be reliably used for such critical tasks without human oversight.

The Way Forward:
The path to better AI-powered medical coding will likely involve specialized training on medical datasets, integrating AI tools for cross-verification and output correction, and advancements in AI learning methods and understanding of medical terminology and coding practices.

Though we’re not there yet, it’s studies like these that are crucial milestones which inform and guide the ongoing development of AI technologies that could one day transform how we approach medical administration.

#HealthcareAI #MedicalCoding #DigitalHealth #ArtificialIntelligence

